Friday, September 11, 2009

The things people do these days just to get things in order, organised, and to achieve the fullest potential that they can go, is prolly the hardest thing a human being can do. Why?? It is because they have to constantly motivate themselves if not from others but by themselves in order to reach the specific results needed. Today I have shamed myself infront of my peers, my management, my friends and mostly, infront of my DM. I have not allowed myself to regain the strength needed to show that I am capable of maintaining the store's ambiance, instead, I decided to give up and not pull through. Was I giving it up, just so that I did not have to tackle any challenge that comes my way?? Was it the best solution to say that I am vunerable and let my partners see that I am not well knowledegable?? I do not care less that the other people that I used to know have taken a sore feeling towards me because even if every month I do need their help, the same advantage has been taken against me. So I would call that fair and square. By far, I am also trying to survive in this bloody business, to save my team's ass before theirs and to know that my team may have their flaws but does not mean they cannot reach to the top. I know I have not set any directions for my team, and that is why I can't say much at this point of time. Yes, the lack of communication is really to the point where one would feel helpless and at the same time too proud to ask for help. Blah blah blah, star skills and such, it all boils down to how the team is not at all communicating at the same sound wave. Its true. The leader has yet to learn all the skills and have the knowledge capacity to teach the unfortunate to develop such skills in order not to be left behind. The fact that the guidance from way before has not been an A+ coaching as it was more of a rush-rush process resulting in not held by the hand, rather left for the kill. Left stranded and the initiative done was more on a trial and error basis. FIN (-.-)

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