Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Driving at 80km per hour can have it's slow moments. One minute, to think you're driving fast then the next thing you have gone past the 120mark. Crazy enough to think listening to some random music from the past can make you slow down time. Then looking to your right, a man unable to hold his eagerness to pick at his nose. On your left, a lady breaking at anything that flies down from the trees (yes, even a leaf falling). If only they could wake up from their own world and realize that the world is watching them, with amazement. Flying would not be such a problem if everyone could have their own jet planes. An even better idea, cars that could turn into hovercrafts..perhaps.
I chatted with a friend today, he runs a fitness gym. Only today did he came up with thought that has been bugging him for the past few weeks. A person said to him,"Go get a vacation and stress it all out". Unable to figure out this weird saying, he went ahead with short trip for 3 days at a nearby duty-free island. Nothing much to see, just part of the beach owned by a resort where people are able to get sun baked in the nude. The other resort, a place to gain serenity and calmness. The whole time, he and a good friend of his had a choice of RM2.50 for a bottle of mineral water or RM1.00 for a can of beer. So two days in a row, drinking with a hangover the next day and driving aimlessly in a rented car, actually gave my friend to "stress it all out". The 3rd day was to catch the next bus and go in for next graveyard shift with a lil' hangover.
All I'm saying is that at this current state that I am in...that includes everyone that has gotten a new promotion or a new car can get you excited for that moment and the anxiety will hit when the process of forking out that wad of bills to pay (this includes the stress that comes with the promotion). The nervous breakdown I had to endure and had my close friend witness it, giving me the moral support, without even judging me...has made me maybe even more vulnerable to the fact that a lot of people are counting on me not to fail. *Aaggrhhh*
Day after day after day, the tasks to complete keeps piling up. I am not complaining but I really wish there was a 25hour clock that I can have at least a little more time. Yah yah...I know.."time management, Aya-chan. Get it straighten out". *Sigh* Yes I am not optimus prime where I can get all robotic and get no sleep. I'm still a human,people!! OMG (as the partners keep saying) that I am actually complaining without even realizing it. No, I am "so" not erasing what I have to say because I want to let it out...as in "stress it out"; since I am granted NO holiday anytime soon, nor can I perform any victory dance at this point of time. *sniffles* SADNESS!!

Hmm..getting to stressed out on these petty things. The biggest challenge is probably to uphold family values (going to church, debts to be paid on time, proceed on with the business that the family is in, to be involved in village activities, etc) and having the family understand the situation I'm in, especially from otosan. *sigh*

As of now, its actually two hidden in the number 1...not to think negatively but I'm a dead duck! Head under water...for real! SUGOI!!

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