If everything was simple enough to follow, if everyone had the most similiar thoughts running through their heads, and if everyone could look at each other the same way...wouldn't it be the sweetest thing ever...the smell of precious victory. If everything wasn't about the money, if everyone had the same kind of thinking that perhaps the good things that you did was the most achievable thing you ever did....wouldn't it be the most couragest thing anyone has ever done. I can't seem to understand half of what the people have to say...its like they talking in tongues...or perhaps mumbling to oneself about their lives...sadly speaking in codes that maybe only their soul mates can understand them. I can't help them as I myself am helpless in times of doubt.
Marshmellow noticed that the inner child in me is almost gone. That was perhaps the one thing I fail to realise... and in that moment I end up lost of words. Because I am evolving into a person I hardly even know and it hits me hard when she mentioned that to me. I just felt like I wanted to cry and perhaps I would feel awfully better. The strides taken to walk a little more further than a person usually does, becomes so far that I couldn't catch up...I was falling behind. I had lost sight of my friend who needed me the most, and I failed to catch up. Too caught up in my own dreary life, I fail to respond to the needs of others. Then again, life is complicated...yours and mine. We're in this big ferris wheel that keeps going round and round, only stopping for someone who wants to get on, or perhaps tired of life, jumping out, without any fear where he/she would land. But you and I, we decide to stay even if the ride becomes slow and we see the same scenery everyday. It becomes us, the ride becomes us...and we in turn; become vunerable. Looking at the ride as a waste of time, but yet it pays the bills. Not a mind reader, I can only take in little by little of what you feel. So please don't mention that there is something you'd like to talk about and just leave me stranded in the rain, I am only person, a friend you can try to count on...not a toy descarded on the shelf, with a torn shirt and cotton sticking out from places. I am frail to the point that there wasn't anyone to talk to, not a person who I could release my own ideas or dreams to. Those people have gone further than I've been. I can see them like a small image in a clear distance. Do I approach them at this point of time? No, instead I run the other direction, uncertain what I want to say...then, end up in a fallen pit, unable to get out. I so stranded at where I am, I believe to be waiting for time to pass by ever so quickly...nobody to count on, nobody to believe in, to hold my hand. They have gone their separate ways...It saddens me.
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