Thursday, October 05, 2006

You must be wondering on

Hehe...Vell...i had 2 wait till i got my salary and me testimonial letter
from me ex-boss but dat took a reli long tym.
its lyk i had 2 "ASK" 4 it instead of me bein "INFORMED" 2 get it frm de ofis..oh well..
To think u'd know sum ppl very well...just expect fer de worst..i was thinkin.

I thought i cud at least see her 4 de last tym
but it looks lyk she doesnt wan 2 hve 2 do anythin wif me...
wat can i say bout it?
Its just sad dat she cant face me lyk a REAL friend..
and tell me..."All de Best in evrythin u do!"

Then again,most ppl will not NORMALLY do dat..
Ur wrk will nver be matter whr u are long as they see de BAD points in yer life.

Thks 2 all mah LURVE ones who hve been
soOo supportive of my well-being..
Cudn't hve gone thru de depression and pain
wifout u guys.
Thks so much fer cheering me up and
letting me swear so much..
dat ive 4gotten de meaning of a
BADass word...haha!

Just 2 let u knw...
im leaving fer Labuan 2mro
and hopefully arriving in K.K by Sunday..
Dats fer now....ill keep u peeps posted...
*BiG Hugs*

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